
❌ Limitations of Sweep

  • 🔢 Sweep, just like a regular junior developer will likely not get complex issues right first try. Try to keep the tickets to the following sizes. If you break it you’ll likely have to tweak it a lot with PR and code comments.
    • 150 lines of code changes
    • 3 files modified
    • Files with 60k characters
      • This equates to about 10k tokens, which having in the context and the generation could break the 32k context window
  • ⏱️ Sweep is GPT-4 powered so will not have access to the latest docs and API specs. In the future, it will be able to search for these but for now you can just copy paste the relevant bits into the ticket.
  • 📒 Similarly, Sweep’s research capabilities are limited. Bug fixes work only when you have a good idea of the cause of the bug but not before that. Sweep will later have access to terminals and debugging tools but for now it’s only great at tasks where the changes are obvious like adding menu items or moving a function to a different file.
  • 🖼️ Sweep cannot modify non-code files such as images.